01822 258529 Mob: 0771 838 6580 info@wildwoodartsdartmoor.co.uk


Our Exhibitions





view our online catalogue of this wonderful exhibition which runs until the 20th of December.

An extraordinary, curated exhibition of artworks from new original contemporary art, sculpture, ceramics & British post-war to early 19th Century art.

An array of established artists from across the Southwest, including: Allin Braund (Royal Academy), Richard Slater (Royal Society of Watercolour artists/St Ives Art Society), Richard Horner (Royal Society of Marine Artists), Arthur Homeshaw (Royal West Academy),Rebecca de Mendonca (Associate Society Equestrian Artists, Sally Gaywood, Alan Furneaux, Shari Hills, Michael Hill, Cheri Hunston, Jennie Hale, Shapland, & Eustance Tozer amongst others. 

From oils, acrylics, watercolours, inks, to collage & printmaking in a multitude of styles across a variety of subjects including Dartmoor, the Westcountry, nature, harbours, wildlife, steps & spaceships.  


Unquiet Landscapes Post 1945 Exhibition

Private view Friday 1st March 2024 6.30-8.30 by invitation only (get in touch for your invite!) 

Exhibition open to the public saturday 2nd March to saturday 7th April 

Join us for  a unique exhibition six fantastic southwest artists

 ALLIN BRAUND (1915–2004) Royal Academy
ARTHUR HOMESHAW (1933-2011)Royal West Academy. Royal Academy.
ROY RALPH (1931-2005) Royal College of Art
SONIA ROBINSON (1927- current) Royal Society Marine Artists, Society of Women Artists. Newlyn Society of Artists, St. Ives Society of Artists
RICHARD SLATER (1927-2023) Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour. St Ives Society of Artists.

View Catalogue HERE

Find out more HERE

Winter Contemporary Exhibition 2023

Join us for a winter exhibition of stunning new art work, mulled wine and fizz! 24TH NOVEMBER 2023 11AM-7PM

Exhibition runs throughout winter.

More information? Just click the image above!