01822 258529 Mob: 0771 838 6580 info@wildwoodartsdartmoor.co.uk

Muddy stiletto Awards

Best Art Gallery We’ve been nominated in the Muddy Awards celebrating the very best local businesses in Devon Please, please,  take a minute to vote for us by clicking the Muddy Awards logo, go to category ‘Art gallery’ and give us your vote! Thank you for...
Spring Exhibition now on!

Spring Exhibition now on!

Spring Exhibition now on! Come and see the stunning work from our talented local artists. Bursting with  vibrant colour and energy. From busy bees to majestic May blossom the gallery is just buzzing with life! The exhibition runs until the 23nd of April. We are open...
open call for entries: Landscape exhibition.

open call for entries: Landscape exhibition.

Open exhibitions at Wildwood Arts. Call for entries. Wildwood Arts represents over thirty quality artists and makers. Based on the western edge of Dartmoor, we exhibit work that is either made on Dartmoor or reflects or is inspired by Dartmoor, the British countryside...

Workshops at Wildwood Arts

WORKSHOPS! New workshops being added all the time! sign up to receive our newsletter and hear the news first! STOP PRESS: Felt-Making Pictures with Hilary Charlton-Woodgate 11th February is FULLY BOOKED (the next available is April 15th please see below)   New!...