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Eustace A. Tozer (1869 - 1931)

Eustance Arthur Tozer  (1892-1940) was based in Lydford. His studio was close to Lydford Castle. Originally from Winchester. He exhibited 26 times at the Royal Academy.

William Crossing wrote in 1903

“Mr Eustance Tozer makes a special study of sunrise effects and Dartmoor mists and his work shows much knowledge and observation. His attention has been chiefly devoted to that part of the moor made famous by William Widgery. His studio is close to the ancient keep of Lydford Castle and a walk of ten minutes will take him to the commons. Being thus so happily placed, Mr Tozer, has opportunities for studying Dartmoor at all times and seasons, and that he has made good use of them his work amply testify.” 

From Dartmoor Artists PG74  by Brian Le Messurier, Publisher : Halsgrove 2002. ISBN 841141658


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