01822 258529 Mob: 0771 838 6580 info@wildwoodartsdartmoor.co.uk

We are always on the look out for new and exciting artists. However, we are also extremely busy, so if you would like to apply then please DON’T just turn up at the gallery with your work. This is a business and we may be with customers ; consequently we will not be able to give you the time you deserve. Plus, it shows that you have not read this information!

Please treat applying to the gallery as professionally as you would a job interview.

Make sure that you have done your research. Have you looked at other artists that we represent? Have you noted the standard? Have you understood our ethos and what types of artists we represent?

What we are looking for is:

  • quality, quality, quality!Your work must be a consistent high standard 
  • Is your work nature based (British)?
  • Is your work landscapes, seascapes, of  Dartmoor or the Westcountry?
  • Do you live in the Westcountry (From Bristol to the Scillies)?
  • Have you been selected by a leading art institute to exhibit? Peer selection by the Royal Academy, the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours or St Ives society all help to raise the profile of your work.

What we aren’t currently looking for:

Are you in lots of other galleries in Devon? We prefer exclusivity. We are currently not taking on artists whose work is in lots of other Devon galleries.

Abstracts: we find these work better in other galleries and don’t apeal to our customers. 

Hobbyists/amateurs: We have nothing against hobbyists and amateurs and actively encourage everyone to pick up a paint brush, but local associations and village exhibitions are probably more suitable for you.

Please don’t be disheartened by this. Everyone has to start somewhere and we wish you the very best of luck. 

If you feel you meet our criteria then please e-mail us in the first instance.

Our email is :info@wildwoodartsdartmoor.co.uk

subject line should be ‘Artist representation’.

E-mail us in the first instance with four or five jpeg images of your work, (use send space or we transfer if possible) a link to your website (if you have one), tell us a bit about your work and yourself and where else you sell or have exhibited your work.

Use Sendspace or We transfer  (these services are free to use) to send your images. Our inbox becomes very full because of all the images we are sent and so yours may not get through unless you send either a link to Sendspace or We Transfer.

It may take us some time to get back to you, but we will reply. If we are interested we will invite you to come in and bring a selection of your work for us to see and also to meet you.


We look forward to seeing your work.